Tuesday, 26 January 2016

100 WC Week 4 by Batman

The sound of the drill pierced my ears as I tried relaxing my body in the dentist chair. The blazing light from above stung my eyes as they examined my teeth, checking each individual one which felt like hours. My mouth ached, and my saliva pooled in my mouth. The cavity became a deep crater as the tooth was finally filled.
"No more sweets for the rest of the day" the dentist warned,
but later that day I broke that rule as I took a bite into a sweet, savoury candy bar.  

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

100 Word Challenge Week #3 by Batman

Lazy River
Staring down at me was the appearance of a huge mountain as I floated along the gracefully, relaxing lazy river. Beaming down on me was the blazing yellow sun without a cloud in the sky. Trying my hardest to rest my body, looking down at my sensitive skin to see if it's bright red. Wishing I had brought my umbrella, I immediately started pushing my way back to the start. As the waves grew bigger, my arms got weaker, knowing it had gotten too hard to handle. "I guess my new nickname will be tomato" I said to myself.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

100 Word Challenge week #2 by Batman

 Hockey Game
I was excited to attend my first professional hockey game, but my stomach growled with hunger. As I flew past the big crowd of people I raced to the closest concession stand. As I joined the queue, my mouth watered with the savory smell of French fries. Immediately, the sound in the arena grew loud, as a  horn signaled that a goal has been scored.  My hunger had made me miss the first goal, but I knew I would lose my spot in a heartbeat. "So much for having an amazing first game," I said to myself.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

100 Word Challenge by Batman

    Marsh Mellow Mountain

Climbing the rippled, red paper, looking down knowing I could fall to my death on this slippery slope. A hurricane of brown cinnamon flies down making it hard to see the path ahead of me. My footsteps are heavy as I walk up Marsh mellow Mountain. Immediately, I search for Steven, who is holding a  bag. As I get closer, squinting, he looks at me with a puzzled face.
“What's in your bag?" I inquire.
“You'll see” Steven replies.
Reaching the top my foot becomes lodged in the creamy white icing. Not knowing what to do Steven gives me a fork. “Dig yourself out”.