Wednesday 2 March 2016

100 Word Challenge Week #9 by Batman

I always knew something was different about my dog. I first noticed her bizarre behaviour when she was a small puppy. She could fly. One day my dog and I went to the park to fly our kite. Suddenly, a great windstorm surrounded us blowing our red and yellow stripped kite up a large oak tree. Not knowing what to do, my dog flew through the air grasping the kite between her teeth, and bringing it down to the ground, laying it at my feet. To most people she may look like an ordinary dog, but to me she is my Superdog.


  1. Awesome idea! Though in you're fifth line when you said, " our red and yellow kit." You misspelled kite, you spelled kit instead. In all it's an idea I would have never thought of!

  2. I really liked your story! It's one of a kind. And

  3. I agree with Pug Chuan, you need to fix the word kit to kite.

  4. Oak tree does not need to be capitalized. Other than that, great story, and it is interesting how you chose to write about a dog instead of a person. It helps make your story unique.

  5. An original idea for this weeks prompt. I like how you use a dog to be the superhero character in your story. After introductory words like suddenly you need a comma. Great choice of words like bizarre and grasping. Also, great job on varying your sentence length to keep your story interesting.

  6. Your story it's creative and I like how you used a dog as your superhero. You need to add a comma after suddenly on the fifth sentence. Good job using descriptive words. Great story!
